Attached Services

Community Midwives
Our midwifery team provides health advice for ante-natal and post natal at home and in the surgery.
A midwife is available for appointments at the surgery.
At all other times please contact Burnley General Hospital on 01282 425071.

Health Visitors
Fully trained nurses provide advice on health care particularly for pre-school children.
Ask at main St Peter's Centre reception.
Telephone: 01282 644666.

District Nurses
RGN trained: Available to provide home nursing care following discharge from hospital.
Tel: 01282 644666.

Treatment Room
RGN trained nurses: Available by appointment for dressings and minor injuries.
Tel: 01282 644666
Monday - Friday 08:30 - 12:00.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 13:30 - 17:00.
Tuesday afternoons: Leg ulcer clinics only.
Thursday afternoons: Ear syringing only.

Practice Pharmacist
Available for advice and queries regarding medications.